We know that some of you may be a bit nervous about COVID-19 and coming to an appointment. We want to reassure you that we follow strict guidance from our professional body, and we will do everything we can to keep you safe whilst you are with us.

Your physio will be wearing a mask, gloves and an apron for your appointment, and we ask that you bring a face mask or covering with you. This is to protect your health and well being, as well as our team.

We have set up a cleaning protocol to ensure we can keep our patients as safe as possible. There will be hand sanitiser provided; please use this as you enter the clinic room to help us reduce the risk of spread of infection.

Please DO NOT attend your appointment if any of the below apply to you in the last 10 days:

  • You have/had a temperature or fever

  • You have/had or change to your (or their) normal sense of taste and smell

  • You have/had a new continuous cough

  • Been in contact with anyone that has had a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19

  • You have returned from a Red or Amber list country

We can reschedule your appointment for a later date, or we can complete your appointment using video consultation over the internet instead.

We appreciate this is all very different to normal but it’s all about keeping you safe and looking after one another!